Old Man’s Wisdom is a Risk-based Decision-making Approach

In project settings (or even in other endeavors), the manager must contend with having too much information. Sorting through details…

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Risks, Benchmarks, and Innovations, what’s the big deal?

For risk-based management to work correctly in an organization, management has to be willing to listen. Messengers who bring unwanted but factual news must be appreciated, not placed on a chopping block.

What should be the approach of open-minded management? Should we be worried that a management receptive to new and different ideas or opinions will prevent a risk framework from being effective? We always hear about streamlining a management process as we begin a new project because we want to increase efficiency and productivity.

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Merry Christmas 2023 to all

For those who believe, let us pray together for world peace and spiritual healing! In this chaotic time of war, disease, disaster, evil, turmoil, changing norms, disruptions, and other challenges, goodness can be expressed in many ways. We in PM Solution Pro pray for the best in people, in the days and months ahead.

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How to address your Schedule Baseline Dilemma

A good risk-based plan will translate to an excellent risk-based schedule, but it continues beyond there. To complete the statement loop, one must say, “A good schedule feeds back to the risk-based plan to make it better.”

Project management does not end after the team develops a project plan. The plan is more of a starting point than completing a management process.

When client and contractor start throwing accusations against each other surrounding schedule baseline management, one can easily conclude that a problem or issue is brewing. It can turn into significant risks.

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How about understanding your Project’s Schedule Critical Path better?

I have encountered many self-proclaimed planning/scheduling experts in the construction industry. The concern is when the discussion revolves around the critical path fundamentals; more than half cannot explain its essence. They need to have that picture-perfect impression of what it really is.

Does this mean that the term critical path is but a salesperson’s word?

How can we trust a project manager, a project specialist, or a scheduling expert who does not know one of the most important aspects of scheduling and good project management?

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Why conduct an Integrated Schedule Analysis? Do your projects need one?

Integrated assessment of a schedule is a must! Good integration is impossible amidst poor quality information. Achieving the desired level of execution quality at an early stage is next to impossible unless it is an exact replica of a previous project, a cookie-cutter project. This writeup will help you appreciate the importance of schedule integration through out the project’s phases. Understanding that proper integration is one of schedule’s best quality attributes. Implementing the practice will surely lead to better project results. Reflect on your own professional experience about plan and schedule integration and you’ll realize quickly that integration is needed for all project management elements to communicate properly and prevent the project from falling apart.

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The Three Blind Managers and the Elephant

The range of understanding runs a distance between true and false but never in absolute terms. In effect, what each one of us experiences might be a subjective truth and not an objective reality. The scenario creates limitations to the accuracy of one’s decision. Read more to find out what this is about.

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Why Poor Planning and Scheduling can impact your Personal Safety

Everyone knows that speed kills, and seeing someone traveling above the limit makes us question how any intelligent person can commit such a reckless act. Yet, it is the number one way to cause or get into a car accident.

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