Revelation 13:11-18 The Beast out of the Earth

I love to draw! COVID-19 has given me time to renew my love for the illustrative art. The illustration below (circa 1992) was my interpretation of the Bible’s Revelation Chapter 13 verse 11-18. Very timely reminder to many In this difficult time that the future is at stake. It is my hope and prayer that the picture brings fresh perspective to us all.

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Managing Black Swans?

Unknown unknowns (black swans) might be in the room, for all we know, but we just cannot see them until circumstances make them visible. Once we see that the risk exists, we would surmise that it no longer qualifies as a black swan event, because we are now aware of the risk, and the element of surprise is no longer there. It is now the normal type of risk that many risk managers are already familiar with, the known unknowns.

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