PM Solution Pro is offering an amazing Schedule Toolset called Deltek Acumen Suite of Application (Fuse, Risk, 360) for Quality Analysis, Risk Analysis, Forensics, Alignment, and more. We also offer Remote Project Schedule Quality Assessment and continuous monitoring for you!
Discover how you can improve schedule quality, reduce or enhance project risks (threats or opportunities respectively) and identify the fastest, most efficient path to project completion using Acumen. Investigate changes between schedule versions to see what has changed and to what degree. Perform time impact assessment delay analysis. There are several additional potential uses of this application that you will eventually discover yourself!
- Take project analysis beyond simple checklists and resolve project shortcomings in minutes
- Create risk analytics that eliminate the statistical and logical challenges of typical risk models
- Evaluate schedule scenarios with an interactive acceleration engine and complete your projects faster
Subscribe to PM Solution Pro if you have any question and wants to know more. We are always ready to serve you find the right direction. Ask us!

Discover how you can improve schedule quality, reduce or enhance project risks (threats or opportunities respectively) and identify the fastest, most efficient path to project completion using Acumen.
- Take project analysis beyond simple checklists and resolve project shortcomings in minutes
- Create risk analytics that eliminate the statistical and logical challenges of typical risk models
- Evaluate schedule scenarios with an interactive acceleration engine and complete your projects faster
Subscribe to PM Solution Pro if you have any question and wants to know more. We are always ready to serve you find the right direction. Ask us!
Find opportunities, accelerate schedule, recover delays, and be in one page with Acumen 360
Time to make a good decision...
ACUMEN IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR DILEMMA! Comprehensive! Creative! Productive! Innovative! ... and User-friendly. See big picture! Comply with standards! Upgrade project planning and scheduling! Acumen delivers competitive advantages:
- Implemented and enforced with ease
- Software seamlessly integrates to import numerous types of project data for immediate analysis
- Amazing report time and cost savings over results of manual processes
- Required and/or recommended agency oversight standards are built in
- Unrivalled reporting flexibility, tailored to fit your audience and information